Mother, These are the Signs of Hungry Babies

Not being able to talk makes babies often difficult to understand, especially by new mothers who still need time to adapt. However, that does not mean the baby can not communicate. Therefore, it is important for Mother to understand the way babies communicate, through gestures and behavior, including when they are hungry. Not all babies have the same reaction when they are hungry. However, there are some general principles that can guide Mother, especially for new mothers, to recognize the signs of a hungry baby.

Be sensitive to hearing baby's cries

In early birth, a baby's cry sounds more or less the same, whether he is hungry, tired, or feeling sick. Over time, Mother will be able to recognize the difference in crying. For example, crying because of hunger is usually short and low-pitched. Generally crying because of hunger will be faster and more intense if not immediately responded. Recognizing a baby's crying properly when hungry can provide many benefits, including developing a healthy eating pattern, making breastfeeding or eating easier, and strengthening the relationship between Mother and Child.

Recognizing the Sign of a Hungry Baby

Actually there is no limit to the number of times a baby must suckle in a day. However, generally newborn babies suckle at least 8-12 times a day. Below are some signs that can be a reference to recognize hungry babies:
  • Spread his arms and legs.
  • His lips made a tasting sound wanting to suckle.
  • Clench your fists in front of your chest and stomach.
  • The baby turns her head and opens her mouth as soon as the mother touches her cheek.
  • Blinking eyes or fast moving eyeballs.
  • Looks excited to see the food around him and opens his mouth.
Conversely, signs of a full baby include:
  • Intermittently stop suckling or eating.
  • Fell asleep.
  • Loosen his mouth when suckling.
  • Remove the bottle from his mouth.
  • Close your mouth when held near the breast or bottle.
If the baby has been drinking or eating, then the sign he is full is to start playing with his food, turning his face away from the bottle of milk, breast or food, and his attention is easily diverted. While the sign to assess that the baby's food and drinking needs have been met is if the baby changes diapers at least five times a day, urine is pale yellow or clear, and stool is light yellow. So, it's not confused anymore to recognize the Little when hungry or already full, Bun?


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