Implement Homeschooling for Children with ADHD
Homeschooling is an education system provided at home with methods that can be adapted to the needs of children. The school system at home can be followed by several children, or children are educated by parents themselves using a special education curriculum.
Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) - are generally difficult to concentrate, hyperactive, and impulsive. These symptoms are more apparent when entering school age, so they often have difficulty in following the lessons. This condition makes many parents choose to provide education at home or homeschooling. But like the formal education system in schools, homeschooling also has a number of advantages and disadvantages.
Weigh the Benefits and Drawbacks of Homeschooling
In public schools, the concentration of a child with ADHD is likely to be split so often he misses a lot of important information. They also often find it difficult to sit still during the learning process. Some schools provide special teaching methods or provide a place for children with special needs. But some parents feel this way also requires extra energy, because they need to provide time at night to teach their children not to be left behind with their classmates. These reasons make some parents choose homeschooling for their children who have ADHD. Let's review the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges that need to be faced, both by children and parents who choose homeschooling. The advantages of homeschooling mainly lie in the aspect of flexibility, which is a factor that is needed by children with ADHD. Here are some of the advantages of homeschooling for children with ADHD:Curriculum according to children's needs
Changes in mood and energy levels of children with fluctuating ADHD make methods in formal schools less suitable for them. In homeschooling, parents can use the game as a way of learning on the day when the child is very active and explain how things work on another day when he or she is able to sit and listen. For example, your little one can practice counting by counting jumps.
Arrange lessons according to the child's habits
Children with ADHD may only be able to focus on certain hours of the day, for example only in the morning or evening. Parents can take advantage of this moment by providing material that requires a higher level of focus on the hours. In addition, parents can also more freely set a child's rest schedule or vacation time so that he can be more focused when returning to study.
Adjust the learning method with the child's character
For example, if a child has ADHD, but still has good speech, parents can invite him to discuss it more often.
Material according to the child's academic level
In public schools, children may be required to keep up with the pace of their classmates. Even though children with ADHD have different needs and abilities. With homeschooling, parents can provide material in accordance with the child's understanding ability.
Reducing interference with the concentration of children
The attention of children with ADHD is easily distracted by the objects and behavior of those around them. But through homeschooling, children are in a familiar environment. Parents can also condition the study room and the home situation becomes more conducive.
Alternative time and funding sources
One of the parents with an ADHD child who has a job needs to stop his routine to provide time to teach the child, or prepare special funds to use the services of teachers. Homeschooling children also cannot access school facilities, such as libraries and laboratories, so parents need to provide or find these facilities.
Child socialization is reduced
When attending school, children with ADHD can meet and socialize with other children. But when homeschooling, parents need to work out so that your child gets the opportunity to meet other children outside the home. For example, involving children in group courses.
Parents lose time to themselves
When children learn at school, parents have time to do their own activities. But when homeschooling, parents may spend time with children throughout the day. This requires its own mental readiness and not necessarily in accordance with the character and needs of some parents.
Extra parental readiness and knowledge
About one third of children with ADHD have learning disorders. In order to provide education in a way that is appropriate for children, parents need to equip themselves with knowledge about ADHD and recognize well the nature and abilities Above all, a high commitment is needed to adjust to all challenges.
Questions to Consider before Choosing Homeschooling
Because of the importance of the role of parents in the successful learning of ADHD children with the homeschooling method, it is important to ask these questions to yourself before choosing the method:Do you or the teacher have a good source of learning material for homeschooling with ADHD children?
Homeschooling material can generally be accessed from the internet. But you need to consult and discuss with fellow parents who have children with ADHD in order to provide appropriate material.
Do you have other sources of income if you have to stop working or manage a business?
Homeschooling also requires facilities that are not small and not cheap, so it requires adequate financial preparation.
Is homeschooling the best choice for educating children with ADHD?
The decision to educate children with ADHD needs to be considered from various aspects, such as children's learning abilities, teacher's ability to educate children with ADHD, and parents' readiness. Therefore, it is important for parents to consult with a child psychologist or psychiatrist to determine the best educational method for children with ADHD.
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